Thursday, December 30, 2010

a few of my favorite things!

Merry (late) Christmas everyone! Hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas! Mine was a little more enjoyable than I had originally anticipated with the amount of running around we. It also turned out to be much of a chore to ensure that that certain family members (read: in-laws) were kept happy to avoid any complaining (read: bitching) we've had to deal with many many times in the past. We are slowly learning how to handle situations such as these to be fair to everyone, though it never seems we're ever really fair to ourselves... (were we to put ourselves first however, we'd be accused of being selfish, rude, lacking-manners and class, etc. - this needs more explanation and will require an entire other post). All in all though, once I got a drink in my mother in-laws hand and took over in the kitchen, and wrapped all of the presents she hadn't had a chance to wrap, Christmas was as delightful as it could be. Family and friends were extremely generous and the hubs went all out! With a birthday on Christmas Eve Eve, I've accustomed to receiving bday/xmas gifts but this year it seemed like I received twice the amount and then some! Here are some of my favorite gifts from this Christmas!

Stella Watch by Fossil (I read Carrie Underwood bought this watch so I HAD to have it!)

Circles from Pottery Barn (I've wanted this for so so long but was too cheap to buy it! So excited to get it on the wall!)

Faux Fur Throw from Pottery Barn (love love love it!)

Rooster Door Mat from Pottery Barn (Ok - it was a PB Christmas apparently)

Ok well this was for the Hubs but sometimes I enjoy playing with him sometimes - nice way to get out some anger! :)

What were some of your favorite gifts?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Hubs and I bought our first real tree for our first real house and the sight and smell of the tree when I walk through the door seems to have a calming effect on me and is more than welcome especially after the days I've been having at work. There are needles all over the floor but I'm going to say that it's completely worth it to get a real tree and getting to go choose a tree, your tree, with your family. I think we'll do the real thing for quite a while!

In other news our dog determined it would be a good idea to completely rip up the carpet and carpet pad, down to the plywood today while we were gone. Guess he didn't like the color? I have to keep telling myself that it's not his fault - we adopted him, and he came from a puppy mill where he wasn't treated well at all. He's a sweet dog and means well but has extreme anxiety when he is separate from us. We tried something different today (now that we have the tree up) and I guess he didn't like it... hence the shredding of the carpet...

Happy Holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

is the doc for reals?

TMI Alert. (Well, maybe not, but it may be a bit more than you care to know...) I figure that since I've determined that "this is year", I should start doing a little research to see what exactly I could be getting myself into.

Each month, for close to 14 years I've suffered severe cramps with my period. At a young age, my gynecologist put me on a birth control pill to help lessen the severity of the cramps. For a while, the birth control seemed to help and the pain was bearable however, about 4 years ago I started realizing that the pill really wasn't doing the trick anymore. My doctor prescribed a stronger pill (more expensive as well - health insurance didn't cover this pill) which also didn't provide me with the relief I hoped it would. The gynecologist had thought the cramps were a result of cysts on my ovaries - I had sonograms done, proving otherwise - and the term endometriosis was tossed around but nothing was ever conclusive.

Endometriosis (if you don't know) is a condition where the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus actually grows outside of the uterus. The body sheds the lining in the uterus each month during menstruation, but the tissue that grows outside of the uterus obviously is not shed and over time can cause issues if/when a woman tries to get pregnant.

I'm surely not ruling this out as a possible problem, though my fingers and toes are crossed that there is no problem and maybe I'm just a big cry baby with no tolerance for pain. When I say that I suffer from severe cramps though, I mean that I suffer from severe cramps. My cramps have been so extreme over the past 14 years that my mom used to give me a shot of brandy (a remedy her mother used to "cure" my mothers cramps) before going to school and I will often sip on a glass of rum/brandy/wine to take the edge off! My cramps have forced me to miss school/work at times, leave me in tears, curled in a painful ball in my bed for hours and cause me to pop advil every other hour. The cramping affects my lower back as well and not even a heating pad does the trick.

A few years ago at my annual, I again (as usual) brought up my issue with cramps. I was told that aside from the pill, surgery and an increase in Vitamin-C and iron (which I try to remember to take when I know my  monthly pal is due to arrive) that the only way to permanently lessen the pain was to get pregnant. My mother had mentioned this to me before - wishful thinking on her part, or so I thought! When my doctor spoke those words my jaw nearly hit the floor - I couldn't believe what I was hearing! (Side note: I was 22 when my doctor first mentioned this to me - so this wasn't as out of line as it might have been had I been younger!)

Since I hope to get pregnant in the next year, I decided to finally do some research on this to see if the doctor was for reals or was just pulling my leg to get out of finding another way to help me! Turns out there are many message boards and articles regarding this issue. I learned a few things in my research, that my gynecologist never really discussed with me and I'm sure I didn't learn in sex ed in middle school.

Severe uterine pain is called dysmenorrhea. There are two types, primary and secondary, primary being the common type and occurring in women who have not had children, usually disappearing after a full-term pregnancy, secondary being caused by a disease in the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries (endometriosis, PID, uterine fibroid tumors).

Like I said, I'm hoping I'm just a wuss, and am just not capable of handling even a little bit of pain and my fingers are crossed that I don't suffer from secondary dysmenorrhea. I guess only time will tell and if we run into any issues we'll cross that bridge when we get there. For the time being, I want to continue to learn all I can to ensure that things go as smoothly as they possibly can... at least the things that are in my control.