Sunday, September 19, 2010

we're getting there... maybe?

This weekend has been much like every other weekend, the hubby and I running around like crazy, trying to accomplish a million mile long to do list and coming close to completing it while completely exhausting ourselves. The hubs has become a lot like me over the years (for this I feel horrible), making lists and feeling slightly worthless if he finds himself sitting still and relaxing for a few minutes - poor guy.

We are constantly having to remind ourselves that it's the weekend and that we need some down time so we're not sleeping through work the whole next week!

To do lists aside, the hubs and I had some time at dinner to discuss some things; things that I've always felt like he just wasn't ready to discuss seriously. Last night was different. He was actually open to discussing children, joking (about having kids in our late 30's) aside. We discussed our "timeline", the number of kids we want, other things we want to accomplish, places we want to travel, etc. etc. He even mentioned wanting to start a savings account for our little ones. This is certainly progress! I know that he's worried/scared about having kids, and I know that he thinks that life as he knows it will end once a baby comes along, but I think he's finally starting to realize the time constraints that women are under (though he does make it a point to mention that more and more women are having children later in life). A few years ago before we were married, I mentioned that I wanted to have a baby when I was 27, or shortly after turning 28. At that point, those years seemed far off. Not so much anymore. With the hubs recently turning 27 and my birthday coming in a few short months, he's starting to realize that time is kind of flying by... I think he's also starting to take notice of the number of friends who are either pregnant or just had a baby and, not that we have to keep up with the Jones's, realizing that our time is coming soon and that these discussions that I keep trying to have with him, are discussions that we really need to start having.

I think we might be getting there. I think we're making progress, and I'm thrilled.

Time to cross the last items off of our to-do list... shred, then...

... if only I was on the beach. Enjoy your Sunday night everyone!

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