Monday, August 16, 2010

blog troubles...

I'm having some trouble... I like to think of myself as a creative person. I'm a designer afterall, but I think that blogs are pretty difficult to "design" from the start. I think they sort of need to evolve organically and I think it's ok for them to continually change. I know why I wanted to start blogging, as sort of an outlet for my thoughts, specifically relating to wanting a baby, but it has sort of started becoming something different - not that that's a problem, I don't think, but I seem to want to blog about a wider range of things... this leads me to want to change the title of my blog every other second though. This may be a problem as it relates to keeping people interested and having a group of people who follow my blog. For now I'm a girl and a pearl but I don't think the title encompasses who I am and what I'm blogging about...ugh...did I mention that I can't wait for vacation...

August 17 Update: Ok, I changed it again, for the third and final time. I was listening to some music and a Dave Matthews Band song came on that I love. I know it's sort of not very creative, but those two lines sort of resonate with me and I think will encompass a bit more of what I think I'll write about on my blog. Promise I won't change it again!


  1. Thanks for stopping by, love to hear from new readers.

    When I started blogging I struggled with a direction and I still do. Right now, my title just doesn't match my content all that much, but I'm ok with that. (Plus I think I've changed my layout/design 1-2x/wk for the last month) I know that it will evolve over time and I just have to write what makes me happy. Even if there are only 5 people reading, it's still a way for me to express myself.

    I know I'm not much help, but know you've got a new reader. :-)

  2. Thanks for the comment - it's certainly nice to know someone is actually reading what you're writing and providing feedback! :)
